Friday, February 11, 2005


How do we find our inspiration? Who or what gives it to us? How much, if any lies within? I was walking home from my morning cardio session when these thoughts occurred to me.
The intense lifestyle of bodybuilder, fitness and figure competitors calls for a certain level of outside influence to keep it going from time to time. Now, Im NOT saying that we need others to push us to do what we do. There is no way someone could lead a lifestyle of such dedication without an innate desire to do so. However, there are low points where one feels overtrained, drained and repetitious. Depending on how winning one's season was, it is also possible to feel like giving up and that you may not be good enough to win. I believe these feelings are natural. Without them, it may not be possible to pick up that second wind to try again, with even more gusto. It takes some downs and disappointments to truly appreciate the achievements!
Now, where do I find my inspiration? Well, I haven't quite figured it all out, but I have decided on a few. First of all, the inspiration within is driven by the desire to be the best. I am a very competitive person and have always thought strong women kicked ass!!! It was only natural that I fell into this. Some other inspirations are other athletes in and out of the body building circuit. Jenny Lynn, Monica Brandt, and Arnold Schwartzenegger to name a few. I've always been driven to work as hard as I possibly can just because I was once in a body cast. I couldn't dress or shower myself and needed assistance to get up an walk.
There is also one very special person in my life. He has been there all along but I haven't known it. He has endured hardships himself and pulled through stronger and better for it. Whenever I feel like giving up or cheating I think of him and I am recharged. I think "if he can do it, I can do it". I also hear him in my head saying how proud he is of me, and I want to make him even more proud. Thank You for being there Baby! You are a great Inspiration and I Love You!
So, as you can see we draw our competitive, hard working spirit from all over. Who really knows why or how any of us do it! I GUESS WE JUST DO!


At 12:53 AM, Blogger AJ said...

Fasburn, WOW, thanks! don't know what to say except i truly love each and everyone of my clients and my coworkers, well unfortunately ex-coworkers now. I miss my 'team ' and all my little students terribly , terribly, it makes me so sad. However, i know i established life long friendships and hope to see you all soon!


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