Saturday, April 23, 2005

JR USA Results.

Hi again!!! Sorry it took so long to get back to you all! The results have been in for a week, but I'm just gettin' around to posting them. IF your up on the Bodybuilding Scene you already know. Let's say coming back from my first large national competition has lit a GIGANTIC fire under my ass.. ( hopefully helping it lean out, LOL)
I felt really great in the weeks leading up to the show. I felt confident, relaxed , well trained and sure that I would be able to stand up to the competition. When I arrived in North Charleston, SC. I was amazed at the beautiful surroundings and weather. The hotel had palm tress on the front lawn, the sun was shining and on average 65degrees and there were little tiny anoles ( lizards) scattering around. I was psyched!! My coach was with me and assuring me that I had come in my best ever! I was just glad to be there and be part of the fitness scene that i LOVE SO MUCH!.
Friday morning I went to check in and attend the mandatory meeting. I had never been measured for an official NPC Height Card. This card dictates what class you will be placed in to compete. I had always been in the 'Midget class' measuring between 5'1.5" and 5'1.75". SO!! When I measured in at 5'2.5" I was confused and surprised. Also , I was worried. My physique is that of a Figure A competitor. What that means is that when you place me with Figure A I MOST DEFINITELY compare. I look like the other girls in my class and have a better chance at looking lean and porportioned. Just skimping by into the next catagory where most of the other girls are about 2-3 inches taller puts me at a major disadvantage. I looked short and stout next to these girls in the figure B class. I knew this and it worried me. However, I showed up Saturday morning with all the confidence I could muster. At that point I felt like I was lacking and that these other girls DESERVED to place higher than me. All the girls there definitely deserved to be there among the national ranks. Some just plain ol' blew me away with their physiques. I was totally amazing and admired their shapes.
Needless to say I didn't do well enough for anyone to even notice I was there. HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU ALL YELL AT ME FOR 'BEING DOWN' ON MYSELF! I was very proud of myself for training, prepping, and sacrificing to get my butt down to SC from Hoboken, NJ. It took alot to get to the point i was at. Finacially it was a huge drain but a risk I had to take. I lost my apartment because I used my rent money to get a hotel and airfare. I had to put some very understanding clients "on hold" just one month before their weddings, I got back and had to eat eggs all this week because I found a store that sells them for .99c and thats all I can afford.
BUT I DID IT!!! I tried and well... I fell, I got Spanked, and didn't place well, but you know what? I went and thats more than I can say for some others.
NOW WHAT? Well, my good friend has agreed to let me stay on his pull out bed/couch and I have already been at the gym 2X as hard this week. Training and cardioing my butt off. I'm back on track and ready to keep showing my face.
THanks for listening and thank you for your contiunued emails, letters, calls and well wishes.


At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You definitely gave it your all and am glad to hear that it "puts a fire" in you to do better. All I can say is that I bet not even half of the other girls after that show have the attitude you do. Great job no matter what your placing. I hope you keep having fun doing what you are doing, otherwise it ain't worth doing. Talk to you soon and keep pumping the iron.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger AJ said...

and again... RICK! thats why you ROCK. Thanks again for your continuted support. I just KNEW that when you heard you would be right there to pick me up. You and Julie are great 'fans' to have. I hope we can get together soon, we both miss you!
Rock On!

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, not only did you do it, you were, regardless of the personal distress placed upon you, at your all time best, and honey, sometimes that's not good enough, but............. you did it, and that's what counts. In the realm of things it's the effort you put into it that is rewarding. I have nothing but confidence in you and your physique, your time to shine will come. I assure you. Remember, consistency is the key. That plus the fact that you may shrink for your next show ;-)! lol
I'm proud of you kid!


At 12:05 AM, Blogger AJ said...

Coach!!! Yeah, im lettin' the air out of these bad boys (quads) as we speak.. God was giving in the Quad/Ham/Glute area!!! I have men and women ask me all the time, "how do you grow legs like that?" I say, well mom& Dad and some hard work! But seriously Besides this wretched cold I've been at it everyday!!! Can't wait to see my own transformation.
Thanks guys!


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